AssetWise Inspections

Users and Roles

The items under the Users and Roles menu allows administrators to create and manage users, roles and user groups, define project security, and upload certificates.

AssetWise Inspections has a built-in security system that allows the administrator to control access and permissions to various areas and items within the software. With the addition of form and field security in the Connect Edition, AssetWise Inspections’ security has become an efficient and well-rounded way for an agency to maintain safe and accurate data.

The three main components of AssetWise Inspections’ security are users, roles, and user groups. A description of each is provided in the table below:

Main Security Components

Component Description
User Every person who uses AssetWise Inspections will have a user account with a username and password for logging into the system. On its own, the user account does not control any security features. However, every user will be assigned at least one role and can also be assigned to user groups.
Role Roles determine module access, asset permissions, form and field access, and eligible tasks. Every user must have at least one role, but each can be assigned multiple roles.
User Group User groups determine a user's asset access. Users within the user group can only access assets to which the user group has been granted access. Users can be assigned as many user groups as needed.

A user is assigned at least one role and placed within one or more user groups. The user group determines which assets in the system the user can access. The role determines what level of access the user has to those assets.

The role is the most important AssetWise Inspections security component. Role security operates under the rule that once the main settings are established on the Manage Roles page, other security controls within the software can take away permissions but cannot override the main settings to grant additional permissions.

Example: If the Manage Roles page establishes that a role has read-only access to reports, no amount of form and field permissions granted to the role through the Site Configuration suite can override its read-only status.